Monday, October 29, 2012

Worth it!

At church last Sunday the band sang "Beautiful Things" and we watched a video while they were playing. It had people holding pieces of cardboard with words on both sides. They would walk up with the words of what they once were on one side and then they would flip it over and show what they are now in Christ. I've seen this done before and it is just so powerful. This time there was one that stood out to me and just was so profound. A husband and wife came up. I don't remember exactly what words were on his card, but it was something like Didn't believe in God. Hers was something like Diagnosed with Cancer. When they flipped them over His said something like Accepted Christ as my Savior and hers said Worth it. Wow. Even now, to just sit and think about that, it's just overwhelming.

I have been struggling a little bit lately. We gave up a lot to come here, all of which I would totally do again, but sometimes, it's just hard. We've had a lot of trials come our way since moving here as well. Some that cut to my very soul. It's so easy to ask why. We're doing what God called us to do. We listened. We obeyed. Shouldn't our path be just a little bit easier? I feel like God just reminds me that those who he has called to much have to give up much.

If I step back and take a look at everything that has happened, I realize that everything has shaped me, or is shaping me, to be more Christ like. I see where God is moving in my husband and changing him and therefore changing our family. I see God working through our church. This church that we gave up so much to help start has already seen people finding new life in Christ.

I think of that women who at the time she was diagnosed with cancer probably asked why. Probably was devastated. Now, on the other side, she sees the why and knows that it was worth it. I trust that'll we'll see the other side. Next year at this time, who knows how many lives will have been changed. We helped with that. People that are lost today may not be lost tomorrow. What a privilege that God chose us to work through.

So, today, can I say it was worth it? Yes. Does it make it any easier? Well, yes! but that still doesn't mean it's not hard. God never promised us an easy life. Taking up your cross is never easy, but it's always totally worth it.