Saturday, July 18, 2009

He's Back!

Austin went to church camp this week. He was really excited to go since his cousing Clayton was going with him. Doug had to get up at 5:15 am and take him to the church office. I was really glad it was Doug's day off so I didn't have to get up and get Brandt and Jazlyn up to take him. Jazlyn asked about him everyday. For some reason she thought he went to Kimberly's house. I would tell her Austin will be home in a few days and she would say "Ausie at Auntie Kim's." I have no idea where she got that from but it was so cute!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

At Least it wasn't the Floor!

I was sitting on the couch last night watching TV. Brandt was playing with his army men and Jazz was doing whatever. Austin is at kid's camp for the week. Well, I turn to see what exactly Jazzy is doing and see that she has the tiny pink cup from her set of dishes between her legs. Yep! She was peeing in it. I laughed and was like "what are you doing!" She tried to act like she was just playing with it, but when I took it there was pee all over it. I guess I should be thankful that she didn't just pee on the floor!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I don't want a tomboy!

The boys love to build legos and bionicles. The thing is, they have to explain them to me. They show every weapon, every attack they can do, all the missiles on the ship, EVERYTHING!!! I try to listen, but that's just not very interesting to me. So, Austin came and explained three bionicles he built to me. Then, Brandt came and explained 2 he had built. While he was explaining, I was thinking how glad I was that Jazlyn was not a boy. She would like Barbies and what can you explain about them? What they're wearing? That's something I can get into! So, while Brandt was getting his third Bionicle to explain to me, Jazz walks up with one and starts telling me all about it in her two year old gibberish. I did catch Bad Guy at one point but that was about it.

I want a girly girl! Not one that likes cars, mud and bionicles. I think I'm fighting a losing battle. Doug already has her loving Mustangs, big trucks and the Bears. I came upstairs the other day and they are on the bed looking through magazines trying to find Mustangs. When she found one she would pump her fist in the air and say "Mustang!" She absolutely loves Doug truck. Anytime she hears a loud engine she says "daddy's truck!" It's one of her favorite places to play. She also throws her little fist in the air and says "Go Bears" anytime she sees the Bears emblem. She also has two older brothers that she absolutely adores and loves to play with. She already comes in from playing outside dirty from head to toe just like Brandt.

She does have some things I'm thankful for though. Like how much she loves shoes! She is constantly putting on a different pair and walking around in them. She'll wear anybody's. She also loves her "pretties." That's what she calls her bracelets. She'll put them on, of course she then pulls them right off. If she finds a hair bow she'll try to put it in her hair. I love it when she'll come out of her room with a hat on and if I put one on her she'll wear it most of the day.

So, I guess she can take after the men in the house in some areas. After all, she's got three really good ones to look up to. As long as she keeps her other girly qualities, I think I'll be ok.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Garage Sale Bust...Potty Bust

I haven't blogged all week because I've been preparing for a garage sale. But, since the paper messed up our ad, it was basically a bust! Also a bust? Jazzy's potty training today. I kept her in under pants today. I had my large tent up and she is between the side and the rack I had up for my Jazzy Girl stuff. I could totally see her but she is crouched down with her hands over her eyes. I said "Jazzy, what are you doing?" She says "I hidin' " I said "are you pooping?" "no" Yeah, she was. So cute, I guess if she couldn't see me, then I couldn't see her. So, I had to clean out her pants. Then she was inside playing with Emma and peed her pants. I put a new pair on and she peed again. She does great naked, so maybe I should just raise her as a nudist!