Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Year of Heartache, Triumphs, Struggles, and Great Faith

Everyday, first thing I do, is read my Timehop.  If you're not sure what Timehop is, you can click here to check it out.  Usually, I love reading about previous years.  It usually sparks a memory and a smile.  Today...not so much.  Today, I read these...

It brought back so many memories.  The phone call from my mom saying that my sister, Kim, was getting worried because she hadn't heard from Joe.  Then the frantic phone call just a short time later saying he had collapsed at the gym and had been taken to the hospital.  I remember rushing to my sisters so that I could be with her kids, my precious nieces and nephew that were just 4, 3, and a little over a year old.

I remember the phone call with my brother where he said he talked to a friend that was a nurse and that it didn't sound good.  Then my mom calling, saying they thought he was dying.  I remember going up to my nieces' room, their sweet pink room, kneeling at a white bench they have there and weeping and praying that God would spare Joe's life.

God did spare Joe's life and the journey of the past year began.  It's been a long year, especially for my sister and her kids, but it's been a good year as well.  There have been ups and downs and sometimes the downs were really low, but God has been faithful every step of the way.

Kim and I are probably closer than ever, which I am very thankful for.  Her strength and her faith inspire me every day.  Her love and care of Joe is amazing to watch.  That man owes her big time when he's up and about :)

And he will be up and about.  God has promised it.  We so long for that day.  Look forward to that day.  My sister, more than any of us, I'm sure.

What a morning that will be!  When I get to wake up to a Timehop with a reminder that one year ago, Joe was completely healed!

Until then, we continue each day leaning heavily on God and His faithfulness.  I've been thankful for this year.  I'm thankful for so much time that I've got to spend with my nieces and nephew.  I'm thankful for long talks with my sister where I get to encourage her and she, so many times, encourages me.  I'm thankful for a mom that is willing to sacrifice almost every spare moment she has to help my sister and make this time easier.

Most of all, I'm thankful for a God that understands.  A God that has been there every step of the way.  Through every tear.  Through every smile.  Through every single moment.  We could not have made it through the past year without God in the midst of it.  So thankful that we didn't even have to try.  His hand has been in this from the beginning and He will see us through.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Last year, towards the end of the year, we were challenged at prayer meeting to come up with a word for the year.  It could really be anything, just something God had for you or wanted to do for you or in you, really....anything.  Well, the word God gave me was Grace.  Allowing me to offer myself grace and also offering grace to others.  While I am still learning and growing, I can look back and see what an amazing work God has done in my life over the past year and especially His work around the concept of Grace in my life.

For 2015 I decided to stick with the concept.  I usually do resolutions which I struggle through.  Most don't get fulfilled or they get partially fulfilled.  In any case, I never feel good about them when I look back over the year.  So, if I can pick a word, or if God can give me a word, then I can look and see how I've grown over the past year as it pertains to that word.

Well, my word for 2105 is Intentional.  God wants me to be more intentional with my life.  At first, I thought it was just going to be about my time, which I guess is true.  God told me that the one thing He wants from me this year is to figure out my schedule.  I have so much going on and it can be easy to get lost in all of the 'to do's.'  I'll end up not spending time with my kids, not reading, not resting.  All those things are way too important to miss out on.

As I was accepting this word of Intentional, I began to realize just how much of my life it was going to affect.  I need to be intentional about going to bed on time so that I can get up early so that I intentionally have at least an hour, if not more, to spend to with God in the morning.  I have to be intentional about getting up on time because if I get up late my entire day feels off and I get rushed in my time with God.  I have to be intentional about my calendar.  Yes, I finally broke down and bought a paper calendar so that I can schedule my days.  It's amazing how much more productive I am and therefore end up with more free time when I specifically schedule my days.  I have to be intentional about eating healthy and working out.  I need to be physically fit so that I can do all that God has called me to do and be able to do it for a long time!  I have to be intentional about shutting off the TV and reading at night and spending time with my kids.  Doug and I are going to be intentional about getting away a couple of times this year so that our marriage is strong.  It doesn't have to be fancy for us to just enjoy being together.

Those are my beginning thoughts of being intentional.  I'm sure it's going to invade even more of my life as the year progresses, and that's ok.  I know that this year is going to be an amazing year and I want to do everything I can to be ready for it.  Being intentional in every aspect of my life will help that to happen.

So, you'll see me post some things on facebook with #intentional2015.  It'll be great to click on that at the end of the year and see all the ways I was intentional.  No looking back and feeling like I failed at my resolutions once again but being able to look back and see what God did in my life as I intentionally lived more fully for Him in 2015.

Why not join me?  Pick a work, or steal mine!  I'm sure we all could use some more intentionality in our lives.