Friday, March 14, 2014

Taking my hand

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.  ~  Isaiah 41:13

The first time I read this verse, it didn't strike me nearly as much as when I read it the second time.  It was as if God had me pause and think about what a beautiful picture this is.

How often do we do this with our own children?  If the path is uneven, we reach and take their hand.  If it's dark and they're unsure, we reach and take their hand.  If we're crossing a busy street where there is a possibility of danger, we reach and take their hand.

This is so different from  the times when they reach out to us.  It's us, wanting to comfort, to protect, to offer assurance to them when we see things in their path that perhaps they don't see coming.

Oh how many times God has done this for us!  Oh how many times He has done this for us and we don't even realize it.  God is in control.  He knows what is coming long before we do.  There is nothing we have to face alone.  He is there, ready to reach out to us, to take our hands and help us along.  To offer His peace, His assurance, His strength along the way.