Well, yesterday, my little boy turned 10. I can hardly believe it. He said something so funny yesterday. He said, "wow, I can't believe it's only be 10 years." Oh kids. Their sense of time and the things they worry and think about are so simple and precious. I pray that they remain simple and innocent for as long as possible. We took a minivacation the last couple of days so we were gone on his birthday. We spent the day at a park hiking in the woods. We got to see a snake, a huge spider, natural caves and a beautiful, although small, waterfall. It was perfect.
Of my three children, Brandt has taught me the most. He's a strong willed child, which I had never even heard of before I had him. He can be so difficult to deal with at times. However, he is also the sweetest and most sensitive of my three children as well. We were walking yesterday and came and walked with me so we could hold hands. So precious that he still does this at the age of 10. I treasured it because I know it won't last much longer.
So, Happy (one day late) Brandt Douglas Jones. I love you so very, very much and am so thankful for everything you taught me as a parent. I look forward to the next 10 years of being your mom.