- Light carries energy from a source - Jesus was able to do all that He did because He was "sourced" by God. He was in perfect relationship with God. As for me, I could not get through a day without Jesus. He is my source.
- Light never bends - Jesus never strayed from His mission on earth. He was all about bringing glory to the Father. He could not veer off of that path. I have to keep my eyes on Jesus. I have to strive to do what He has called me to do and I cannot let anything or others distract me.
- Some objects transmit light better than others, like a transparent object - Jesus was not about Himself, He was all about doing His Father's business. I have to be all about Jesus. The less of me there is, the more Jesus others will see.
- Some objects do not make light themselves, but appear bright because they reflect the light from the source - Jesus was all about reflecting God. Showing God's love and mercy to others. I cannot be about making myself appear "important." I have to be all about reflecting Jesus so others see Him in me and because of me.
- Light travels in a straight line, if anything gets in its way, it casts a shadow - Jesus did not let anything come between Him and His Father. I have to make Jesus my number one priority in my life. I cannot let anything come between me and him, no matter what it may be, or it will cast a shadow in my life. A dark space where the enemy will try to take root.
I'm no scientist, but I loved these pictures. I never really thought about why we hang up Christmas lights. I'm sure for some, it's just a way to decorate for the holiday. However, from now on, for me, it will be a reminder that Jesus was born a baby at Christmastime so that He may be the Light of the World. It will also be a reminder that I am called to the same thing. May I be a light. Right here. Right now.