Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Jesus is the Light of the World

I started an Advent reading plan last week.  I honestly didn't even think about it until my pastor asked in a meeting if anybody had started one and then we talked about advent at prayer meeting as well.  When I started my devotional time on Friday, I really felt like that's where God wanted me to go, so I chose one from YouVersion.  There are a ton of options available, so it was easy to find one that fit with what I was looking for.

This morning, the reading was on Jesus being the light of the world.  It said to think about some of the scientific knowledge you have about light and see how that fits with Jesus being the Light of the World.  Well, for those that know me, you know that science is not my strong point, so I googled some facts.  I came across these at  It's amazing to think of them not only from the standpoint of Jesus being the light of the world but that he calls us to be a light in our part of the world as well.

  • Light carries energy from a source -  Jesus was able to do all that He did because He was "sourced" by God.  He was in perfect relationship with God.  As for me, I could not get through a day without Jesus.  He is my source.  

  • Light never bends - Jesus never strayed from His mission on earth.  He was all about bringing glory to the Father.  He could not veer off of that path.  I have to keep my eyes on Jesus.  I have to strive to do what He has called me to do and I cannot let anything or others distract me.

  • Some objects transmit light better than others, like a transparent object - Jesus was not about Himself, He was all about doing His Father's business.  I have to be all about Jesus.  The less of me there is, the more Jesus others will see.

  • Some objects do not make light themselves, but appear bright because they reflect the light from the source - Jesus was all about reflecting God.  Showing God's love and mercy to others.  I cannot be about making myself appear "important."  I have to be all about reflecting Jesus so others see Him in me and because of me.

  • Light travels in a straight line, if anything gets in its way, it casts a shadow - Jesus did not let anything come between Him and His Father.  I have to make Jesus my number one priority in my life.  I cannot let anything come between me and him, no matter what it may be, or it will cast a shadow in my life.  A dark space where the enemy will try to take root.

I'm no scientist, but I loved these pictures.  I never really thought about why we hang up Christmas lights.  I'm sure for some, it's just a way to decorate for the holiday.  However, from now on, for me, it will be a reminder that Jesus was born a baby at Christmastime so that He may be the Light of the World.  It will also be a reminder that I am called to the same thing.  May I be a light.  Right here.  Right now.

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