Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Missing my Kids

Doug came home a couple of months ago and said he had an idea. I always cringe when this happens. His ideas usually do not excite me like they do him. He said he had a conference up near Chicago and thought I could come with him. Well, this was something I could get excited about! I talked to my mom and she agreed to take a couple of days off and stay with my kids.

Well, we've been gone since Sunday and head back today. I can't believe how much I miss my kids. I mean, I knew I would miss them, but really thought I would enjoy the time away. Doug and I came up early on Sunday and walked around the mall here. It was a joke of a mall. For every store that was open there were two that were closed. They did have an indoor mini golf course. I was like "Mini golf." Then we just kept walking. It just didn't sound as fun without the kids. We thought about going to see a movie but the only one we wanted to see was Rango and didn't want to see it without the kids. We then went to Target and walked around. We spent the most time in the toy aisle.

The kids on the other hand are not missing us at all. To my surprise, Jazz is doing just fine. I knew she would be ok, but I thought there would be some issues. I mean she still sleeps with us, so I thought at the very least she would miss us at bed time. NOPE! She's doing just fine. I'm glad. It would be so much worse if she was miserable.

So, I'm going to enjoy my last day here, but am so ready to hug my kids! When they start driving me crazy, and they will, I'm going to remember how much worse it would be if we weren't all together!

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