Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
I have been involved with a lady's bible study for four years now. I love this group of ladies and learn so much from them on a week to week basis. Yesterday, Lyn shared some thoughts that were just profound to me so I wanted to share. Some of this is what she had shared and other parts are from what God spoke to me.
I have been praying this verse often in our journey to Fishers. Specifically, I've been praying for God to light our path, show us our path. Lyn shared yesterday something that Pastor Dale had shared with her about this verse. Take a step back and really look at this verse. If God is lighting our path, than what does that mean? It means that we are surrounded by darkness. Darkness, Satan, everything that is against us is all around us. Often times, God does not show us the whole picture. We so many times do not understand what we are going through, why things are or are not happening. That's because God chooses not to reveal everything to us.
Isaiah 55:8-9
For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.
God does not think like us or act like us. Why? Because he can see the whole picture. Why does he not reveal more to us, because we cannot handle it. The entire picture is way too scary, too overwhelming, too....everything. God gives us what we need for this day, for this season. He lights our path just enough. Not too little. Not too much. But just perfectly. He gives us glimpses when we need them, and allows us to walk in pure faith at other times. We do not need to fear the darkness around us. He lights our path for this moment, and it's more than enough.
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